It is that time of year when feverish preparations begin – the Examination Fever. Many young students are getting ready for the biggest test of their academic lives, one that will determine their choice of career and how their futures will shape up. The 10th standard examinations or Board Examinations follow many patterns according to the syllabi and the academic councils the schools are affiliated to. Getting high marks and percentages overall in all subjects is key to enhancing chances of a good education in a reputed institution; therefore students should take extra steps in equipping themselves well in the preparations for exam study.Students at this level have six to seven subjects with allocation of marks and grades combined for a subject grouping. Mathematics and Science take predominance over other subjects like Social Studies, English or Other Languages. This is because for most technical courses post school and getting admitted into college depend on excellent percentages in these two subjects. While subjects like English depend on the student’s excellent uptake of grammar and presentation of answers in a neat format with the relevant points concisely written, Mathematics and Science depend largely on accuracy in answers and results.Some examination tips for High School• By understanding the format of exams corresponding to the syllabus undertaken, a student can work out a study schedule depending on subjects that need more attention and time. Having a timetable based subject-wise and topic-wise will greatly benefit your study schedule; always remember to complete the schedule as per the timetable you have prepared• Referring to previous question paper samples and guides helps obtain an insight into the kind of questions that can be expected and prepare a mental plan on how to answer the questions• Resorting to malpractices or depending entirely on memorizing content can be disastrous. In case of exam panic or a wrong move, the mind goes into a freeze making thinking and recollection difficult. It is better to understand content, rephrase questions on how best to bring out the answers and keep doing the tasks over and over to perfect the method and analyze and correct mistakes, especially in problem solving• One of the best ways to retain content the student has read is to write down points or make brief notes that will help to remember key points to prepare the flow of content• When in doubt, seek help. Parents, teachers, friends, guides are always around to help clear doubts. Published guides help but where they fail is the kind of one on one interaction that you can have with peers and superiors• Learn to practice time management which is very essential in answering question papers. Practicing writing speeds can help improve answering skills when time is of utmost importanceBesides these academic tips, there are several other areas that the student has to keep in mind when preparing for Board exams.i. Choose a study area without distractions and ambient noises from traffic, TV screens, computers and other gadgets that can be a disturbance or intrusion. Conversations with friends can be restricted to times when you take a break from studyingii. Getting proper nutrition, exercise and sleep recharges the body and fills it with energy resources which are very essential. Skipping meals and sleeping less will tire the body and mind and leave you exhausted by the time examinations arriveiii. Avoid places and situations that can cause anger and negative emotions to surface. The unnecessary anxiety and worry will not help in any wayiv. Always take constant breaks from study to re-energize the mind and body. Cramming the brain with too much information or too many facts in a short span of time is not a good idea. Take time off to indulge in a favorite hobby like listening to music, painting or photography; going for a short walk and meeting friends for a cup of coffee is a good idea provided this does not cut into your daily study schedule and you are able to get back into study mode again